JOEEEEEEEEEY D! How do you know bout that Piston folklore! No, but Garin, you are insightful. human trait or cultural trait, really resonated with me. my dad raised me to spit on the floor and slap the ground on defense and I think my conditioning came from my childhood with my dad. i'm happy i learned how to compete, but much of the anxiety that i feel also probably comes from that pressure/trauma/anxiety push to obsess about performance at an early age and then not questioning it as I get older. i love the flow now. way more chill. way more soft. way more non-competitive as well. lol.
which raises back to your point, a high competitive capitalistic system is much like my dad and if i'm not aware of how it affects me, it will do the same thing. how do you break free from the cultural experiences (competitiveness, obsession, drive, stoic to death and never be vulnerable masculinity, etc?) apologize fof lack of editing before hand. ;)